dumbarton oaks dc

Just when I thought I knew this city pretty well, Connor and I stumbled upon Dumbarton Oaks, a hidden gem of a place right in the heart of Georgetown.  I’m the first to admit that I have my moments where I wish I could just pack my stuff and move—in part due to my desire to explore a new place.  Living in the same city for more than twenty years can sometimes do that to you.

dumbarton oaks

It’s funny how just when you think you’ve pretty much seen it all, you discover something new.  Something which opens your eyes to all the other things you might have been missing out on all these years…

dumbarton oaks

Dumbarton Oaks, built in 1801, consists of more than ten acres and is located right in the center of residential Georgetown.  It was purchased in 1920 by Mildred and Robert Woods Bliss, avid art and antique collectors, and transformed into the impressive estate that it is, before it was turned over to Harvard University in 1940.  Now open to the public, it offers various gardens, art exhibits, and a peek into a very different kind of past. 

dumbarton oaks
dumbarton oaks

Just when we thought the property ended, Connor and I would discover another hidden garden or vista.  It is an incredibly beautiful landscaped property and a welcome retreat in an otherwise often traffic-jammed and hectic area of the city. 

dumbarton oaks

After our unexpected visit to Dumbarton Oaks, Connor and I spent the rest of the afternoon walking around a new-to-me area of residential Georgetown, which was just as fun, as I got to indulge in my favorite past-time:  ogling at beautiful, historic row houses. 

dumbarton oaks

I was definitely guilty of straining to see into several windows and shouting to Connor, more times than I can count, “Look at that kitchen!!!”  and, my favorite, “Oohh…they have one of those glass-fronted fridges!” 

Some things never change…

Here’s to many more adventures in 2013! 

(All post photos were taken on my iPhone)